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TJ Curioso
JoinedPosts by TJ Curioso
Commuter Bethelite video
by no-zombie infor those who missed last weeks clam meeting, there was a video played that was amazing ... however not in good way.. we are all aware how thousands of full time bethelites world wide got the boot and put out onto the street.
some having giving most of their lives to the organization, but often with no real way to support themselves other than to depend on the generosity of others.
so when this video talked about how special it would be for those who could step up and become a commuter bethelite, it made me think how calculating the governing body must be.
My Dissociation letter
by TJ Curioso inhi to everyone!i was summoned to the judicial committee and went.
it was a respectful conversation from one side to the other.
in the end i handed the dissociation letter in hand and a binding to each of the elders, with an article i wrote on the subject, "are jehovah's witnesses a destructive sect?
TJ Curioso
Diogenesister of course! I don't mind at all!
My Dissociation letter
by TJ Curioso inhi to everyone!i was summoned to the judicial committee and went.
it was a respectful conversation from one side to the other.
in the end i handed the dissociation letter in hand and a binding to each of the elders, with an article i wrote on the subject, "are jehovah's witnesses a destructive sect?
TJ Curioso
DECEMBER 2018 WATCHTOWER STUDY ARTICLE...Many loyal Christians have remained with an unbelieving mate under very trying circumstances.
by RULES & REGULATIONS indecember 2018 study article :.
honor “what god has yoked together”.
17 admittedly, there have been instances where an “unbelieving husband” seems to prove that he is not “agreeable to staying with her.” he might be extremely physically abusive, even to the point that she feels that her health or life is in danger.
TJ Curioso
Today, in Portugal, a report was published in a newspaper with a lot of circulation and respected on this subject. Another exhibition about the cult.
https://www.publico.pt/2018/09/06/sociedade/noticia/exmembros-acusam-testemunhas-de-jeova-de-incentivarem-vitimas-de-violencia-a-continuarem-casadas-organizacao-desmente-1843156 -
My Dissociation letter
by TJ Curioso inhi to everyone!i was summoned to the judicial committee and went.
it was a respectful conversation from one side to the other.
in the end i handed the dissociation letter in hand and a binding to each of the elders, with an article i wrote on the subject, "are jehovah's witnesses a destructive sect?
TJ Curioso
OK! :)
My Dissociation letter
by TJ Curioso inhi to everyone!i was summoned to the judicial committee and went.
it was a respectful conversation from one side to the other.
in the end i handed the dissociation letter in hand and a binding to each of the elders, with an article i wrote on the subject, "are jehovah's witnesses a destructive sect?
TJ Curioso
PORTUGAL: Petition to terminate the legal entity of the Jehovah's Witness gets national news coverage
by EdenOne inthe petition is now going on 537 signatures.. today the newspaper "diário de notícias", the leading non-tabloid newspaper in the country, gave the story front page coverage and a full page to the article inside.. here are the links to the pictures of the pages:.
front page:.
page 6 and article: .
TJ Curioso
It's now on 916 signatures! Can You help here? ;)
Only for citizens of the European Union.
My Dissociation letter
by TJ Curioso inhi to everyone!i was summoned to the judicial committee and went.
it was a respectful conversation from one side to the other.
in the end i handed the dissociation letter in hand and a binding to each of the elders, with an article i wrote on the subject, "are jehovah's witnesses a destructive sect?
TJ Curioso
PORTUGAL: In-depth news investigation about Jehovah's Witnesses and shunning
by EdenOne in"observador" the leading online daily newspaper in portugal, published today an in-depth investigation about the practice of shunning by the jehovah's witnesses.. starting with the ongoing petition that i have submitted to collect signatures, the investigative reporter tânia pereirinha details how the branch is organized, who is who in the local branch office, the history of the organization, the pedophilia scandals, interviews lawmakers and the person responsible for the overseeing of the law of religious freedom, and the focuses on four life stories of people who were shunned.
one of those stories is of our very own tj curioso, who posts in this forum.. https://observador.pt/especiais/eles-mataram-me-em-vida-o-inferno-nas-testemunhas-de-jeova/.
"they killed me while i was still living - the hell of jehovah's witnesses" is the name of the article.
TJ Curioso
My Dissociation letter
by TJ Curioso inhi to everyone!i was summoned to the judicial committee and went.
it was a respectful conversation from one side to the other.
in the end i handed the dissociation letter in hand and a binding to each of the elders, with an article i wrote on the subject, "are jehovah's witnesses a destructive sect?
TJ Curioso
JW Talk? Hummm... probably, but I don't remember what it is... lolol